Taking Care of Your Lawn This Summer in Colorado

Jun 30, 2023

Taking Care of Your Lawn This Summer in Colorado 

The summer months bring a lot of changes, and your lawn is no exception. As temperatures rise and water levels drop, it’s important to take extra special care of your lawn if you want it to stay healthy and green all season long. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the best practices for taking care of your Colorado lawn during the summer months. 

Watering Tips 

Colorado is known for its dry climate, so it’s essential that you make sure you are giving your lawn enough water during the summer months. Water deeply but infrequently—this means giving your lawn an inch of water once a week instead of sprinkling it with short bursts every couple days. Additionally, make sure to water in the morning or evening as opposed to midday when much of the water will evaporate before reaching your grass roots. If you are using an automatic system, make sure to adjust it according to current weather conditions—you may need to increase watering frequency if there is an extended period without rain. 

Mowing Tips 

Grass continues to grow even during hot summer months, so be sure to mow regularly while being mindful not to cut too low. A good rule of thumb is not to cut more than 1/3 of the height off at once and leave clippings on the lawn so they can act as natural fertilizers (unless they are too long). Make sure your mower blades are sharp—dull blades can tear grass instead of cutting it cleanly which can lead to disease issues later on in the season.  

Fertilizing Tips    

Fertilizer helps ensure that your grass has all the nutrients it needs throughout the summer season; however, be careful not to over-fertilize or apply fertilizer when temperatures exceed 85 degrees as this could burn or kill patches in your lawn. If you do use a fertilizer with herbicides or insecticides, follow label instructions carefully as misuse can harm people and pets as well as damage beneficial insects like bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies that help pollinate plants in your garden. 

Taking care of your Colorado lawn during hot summer months requires extra attention compared with other seasons; however, following these tips will help ensure that come fall time you have a lush green carpet ready for all those family barbecues! If you need help maintaining a beautiful landscape this summer or would like advice on how best take care of your Colorado yard, contact us today for more information about our services! We would love to hear from you!

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